When a Loved One Dies

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If a Death Has Occurred…

There are some steps you must take following the death of a loved one. We hope you find this brief checklist helpful.

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Obtain legal proclamation of death

If your loved one passes away and there is not a medical professional present, call 9-1-1 to obtain a legal proclamation of death. Contact your funeral home to arrange for the transportation of your loved one.

Locate all important documents

Try to locate any important documents of the deceased, such as their social security card, will, military discharge papers, and estate information. If the person planned their burial or funeral arrangements in advance, you will also want to locate those documents.

Contact cemetery

It’s always a good idea to make your burial arrangements first in order to make more informed decisions at the funeral home. The CCA will help you make all burial arrangements and guide you through the process. Please call 216-641-7575 for assistance.

Make funeral arrangements

Your funeral home will help you make all necessary arrangements including: wake, Mass of Christian Burial, and other details such as obtaining the official death certificate and any military honors.

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