Outer Burial Containers

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Our pressure tested outer burial containers protect the casket or urn from the weight of the earth, and preserve the appearance and safety of the gravesite. Each outer burial container has unique qualities and features. Unsealed outer burial containers are available for both cremation and full body burial. Please ask your Family Service Representative for more details.

Cement Outer Burial Containers





Steel Outer Burial Containers

Shepherd VII

Shepherd VI

Shepherd V

Shepherd IV

Shepherd III

Cremation Outer Burial Containers

If you or your loved one has chosen in-ground cremation burial, it’s important to know that cremation vaults come in a variety of sizes. For this reason, we encourage our families to call us first before purchasing an urn to ensure that the vault and urn sizes are compatible. In some cases, purchasing an urn may not be necessary. Please reach out to your Family Service Representative for more information on cremation vault options.

Tall Chest

Small Chest

Cultured Marble Urns

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